姓 名:陳景
職 稱:教授,博士生導師
主 要 研 究 方 向:
個 人 簡 介
陳景,江蘇省特聘教授,博士生導師。2017年博士畢業于蘇州大學(導師:鐘志遠和鄧超教授),2018年至2021年,在美國康奈爾大學開展博士後研究(合作導師:馬明林教授),2021年以特聘教授引進bevictor伟德官网工作。2022年入選江蘇省特聘教授和第八屆中國科協青年人才托舉工程。自2021年起擔任Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences、Cancer Innovation、Acta Materia Medica、Traditional Medicine Research和Biomedical Engineering Communications五本期刊青年編委。并擔任中華中醫藥學會中藥實驗藥理分會青年委員、中國康複醫學會藥學與康複專業委員會委員和中國中醫藥研究促進會中藥霧化專業委員會常務委員等職務。已在Nature Food、Nature Communications和Advanced Materials等權威期刊發表論文20餘篇,谷歌學術總引用1600餘次。此外申請了多項中國專利和2項美國專利,其中申請的一項美國專利已實現産業轉化。曾獲得2017 Baxter China Young Investigator Award一等獎,2023年全國商業科技進步獎一等獎。
承 擔 的 主 要 科 研 項 目
代 表 性 論 文
B. Wang#*, J. Chen#, J.S. Caserto#, X. Wang and M. Ma*. An in situ hydrogel-mediated chemo-immunometabolic cancer therapy. Nature Communications, 2022, 13(1): 1-13.
J. Chen, J.S. Caserto, I. Ang, K. Shariati, J. Webb, B. Wang, X. Wang, N. Bouklas and M. Ma*. An adhesive and resilient hydrogel for the sealing and treatment of gastric perforation. Bioactive Materials, 2021, 14: 52-60.
J. Chen#, B. Wang#*, J.S. Caserto, K. Shariati, P. Cao, Y. Pan, Q. Xu and M. Ma*. Sustained Delivery of SARS‐CoV‐2 RBD Subunit Vaccine using a High Affinity Injectable Hydrogel Scaffold. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2021: 2101714.
J. Chen, J. Webb, K. Shariati, S. Guo, J. K. Montclare, S. McArt, and M. Ma*. Pollen-mimicking, enzyme-loaded microparticles to reduce organophosphate toxicity in managed pollinators. Nature Food. 2021, 2, 339-347. (Cover paper)
J. Chen, D. Wang, L. -H. Wang, W. Liu, A. Chiu, K. Shariati, Q. Liu, X. Wang, Z. Zhong, J. Webb, R. E. Schwartz, N. Bouklas and M. Ma*. An adhesive hydrogel with “load-sharing” effect as tissue bandages for drug and cell delivery. Advanced Materials. 2020, 2001628.
J. Chen, H. He, C. Deng*, L. Yin and Z. Zhong*. Saporin-loaded CD44 and EGFR dual-targeted nanogels for potent inhibition of metastatic breast cancer in vivo. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2019, 560: 57-64.
J. Chen, K. Huang, Q. Chen, C. Deng*, J. Zhang and Z. Zhong*. Tailor-making fluorescent hyaluronic acid microgels via combining microfluidics and photoclick chemistry for sustained and localized delivery of herceptin in tumors. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10(4): 3929-3937.
J. Chen, J. Ouyang, Q. Chen, C. Deng*, F. Meng*, J. Zhang, R. Cheng, Q. Lan and Z. Zhong*. EGFR and CD44 dual-targeted multifunctional hyaluronic acid nanogels boost protein delivery to ovarian and breast cancers in vitro and in vivo. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(28): 24140-24147.
J. Chen, Y. Zou, C. Deng*, F. Meng, J. Zhang and Z. Zhong*. Targeted and potent cancer protein therapy using bioresponsive fluorescent click nanogels. Journal of Controlled Release, 2017, 259: e65.
J. Chen, Y. Zou, C. Deng*, F. Meng, J. Zhang and Z. Zhong*. Multifunctional click hyaluronic acid nanogels for targeted protein delivery and effective cancer treatment in vivo. Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28(23): 8792-8799.